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Fetus in utero development cycle

Fetus in utero development cycle - Fetal development cycle in the uterus or womb of step by step, week by week. Bagaimanaproses development of a fetus in the womb?. This baby pictures can be used as learning materials for mothers who are pregnant.

8 week old fetus
The entire main body of the baby's organs have been formed though not yet fully developed. Eyes and ears begin to form. Heart beat stronger. With ultrasound we can see the fetal heart beat.

12 week old fetus
The length of the fetus is now about 6.5 cm and weighs about 18 grams. The baby's head becomes more rounded and the face has been fully formed. The fingers and toes are formed and the nails begin to grow. The baby started moving his legs and arms, but the mother has not been able to feel these movements.

16 week old fetus
The length of the fetus is now about 16 cm and weighs about 35 grams. With the help of scan, we can see the baby's head and body, we can also see it moving. He gestured around the legs and arms, kicking and kicking. This is the earliest stage in which the mother can feel the baby move. It feels like there's a butterfly in your stomach. However, the mother did not have to worry if it is not able to feel the movement. If the baby is the first child, the mother is usually somewhat slower in sensing movement.

20 week old fetus
The baby was still swimming in a sea of ​​amniotic fluid. It grew by leaps and bounds, both in weight and length that now has reached 25 cm, which is half the length when she was born later and already weighs about 340 grams. Babies make active movements that can be felt by the mother. Mother might notice there are times where the baby seems to sleep, and other times where he did a lot of motion.

24 week old fetus
Now baby is about 32 cm long and weighs 380 grams. Mother can feel the baby's body parts that touch different stomach wall. Maternal uterine muscle stretches and sometimes mothers feel pain in the stomach.

30 week old fetus
The baby's head is now proportional to her body. Mother may experience pressure at the diaphragm and stomach. Now the baby weighs about 1700 grams and a length of about 40 cm.

36 week old fetus
The baby is almost fully developed. At any time he can get down to the pelvic cavity of the mother. Baby's skin is now smooth and curvaceous body. When he woke up, his eyes were open and he was able to distinguish between light and dark. Now baby is about 50 cm long and weighs ranged from 2380 to 4380 grams.

Fetal age 37 to 42 Sunday
Babies born ready. You never have to worry if the baby is not born exactly on time has been predicted. Percentage is only 5% of babies born exactly on the date expected. The time has been long awaited baby is almost here and the world will soon see. Sometimes babies are born too soon, there is also a little late, but they were really born! Happy happy Hopefully the baby healthy and successful.


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Fetus in utero development cycle