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Characteristic features of hyperactive children

Characteristic features of hyperactive children - Every child is different in character . There are active and passive as well , usually imitate their parents . Because of hereditary factors are also very important to the motor movement . Hyperactive children is almost the same as a very active child . This situation can make parents feel confused about his behavior .

We as parents need to know and recognize what the hyperactive child ? To understand this , here are a characteristic feature of hyperactive children so that parents can understand the child in accordance with his behavior .
Characteristic features of hyperactive children

The hallmark feature of Hyperactive Children :
1 . Not Be Silent
Hyperactive Children usually always moving on, they did not stop talking and making noise . So they are also more frequent falls and injury .

2 . Without Purpose
Hyperactive children usually do the activity without purpose . For example, when playing ball , they will repeat it by kicking the ball back and forth without fear of danger .

3 . Difficult and Easy Lost Focus

4 . Easily Bored
Hyperactive children usually always moving . If they are silent , they will get bored and make something that made ​​him interested again .

5 . Labile
Hyperactive Children tend to be more volatile than her . They can not control the emotions .

6 . Must Immediately
Hyperactive Children have a high desire . Examples of concrete behavior impatient when he wants or do something .

7 . Easy Mood Changed
Hyperactive child can not control emotions . If his heart was not good , they can cry if his wishes are not fulfilled . But be silent if his attention diverted .

Well what about your child ? are there any signs like the above ?


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Characteristic features of hyperactive children