In people with normal blood pressure ranges between 100-140 mmHg, whereas for patients with high blood pressure can reach 140/90 mmHg or more.
How to Prevent High Blood
How to treat high blood pressure that does not make you continue to suffer from this disease. follow these tips:
Keep Permanent Ideal Body Weight
On average, people who have high blood pressure or hypertension had the wrong diet. people with high blood pressure often do not notice it. Try to eat foods that are low in fat and contains less cholesterol, and most important for people with high blood pressure is to avoid eating meat, especially mutton very well known to increase your blood pressure. If your body fat already, you can try a healthy diet.
Diet Watch
Try to eat healthy food 4 5 perfect every day, foods that are low fat and low cholesterol. You can also replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates like brown rice as potatoes or yams.
Change Your Lifestyle
On average, people with hypertension had a very bad lifestyle, especially if you are a worker who rarely pay attention to your own lifestyle. Added to this are if you live in the city, maybe cigarettes, alcohol or fast food is something you normally consume.
Avoid Stress
Not only from the external factors are the causes of high blood pressure, problems pile up too much and cause you to experience stress. Mind racing makes you more prone to high blood pressure.
With exercise can make your body more fit and can make your heart healthier if done the right way.
Simply Sleep and Quality
Enough sleep and you also need to make sure your sleep quality. Try to sleep 8 hours a day.
Avoid Diseases Hypertension
The last and the most important thing is to avoid the diseases caused by high blood pressure such as stroke or heart attack. You do this by taking both herbal medicines and medicines suggested by the doctor and by following the above tips.
So these tips to prevent high blood pressure, and most important of all is you have to continue to enjoy life and be grateful even though you're in a state of pain so that you can more easily get through all this.
Tagged @ Healthy
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